Museum of Ocean and Surf
Archdaily have recently published some of Iwan Baan's photos of the Museum of Ocean and Surf (Cité de l’Océan et du Surf, Biaritz) by Steven Holl Architects in collaboration with Solange Fabiao.

Alvaro Siza, Fundação Iberê Camargo 2
This was the subject of a post last year too.
Photos below are by Duccio Malagamba, published at Dezeen.
There are plans and more photos at Archdaily.
Lots of Siza's work photographed by Fernando Guerra published at Últimas Reportagens.

Photos below are by Duccio Malagamba, published at Dezeen.
There are plans and more photos at Archdaily.
Lots of Siza's work photographed by Fernando Guerra published at Últimas Reportagens.

Cien House, Pezo von Ellrichshausen
Worth having a look at the Cien House by Pezo von Ellrichshausen. Image below from Architectural Record. Photo by Cristóbal Palma.
Have a good look around the Pezo von Ellrichshausen website, they are very fine architects.
Cristóbal Palma's website also provides good access to good photos of good architecture. Definitely worth a browse.
Have a good look around the Pezo von Ellrichshausen website, they are very fine architects.
Cristóbal Palma's website also provides good access to good photos of good architecture. Definitely worth a browse.

Sejima's Okurayama Apartments
For very clever planning of apartments on a tight site have a look for Kazuo Sejima's Okurayama Apartments. The plan is beautiful. Iwan Baan has published photographs on his website (the photo below is one of them).
Have a good look at Iwan Baan's site as he has published lots of very fine photographs of very fine buildings.
Have a good look at Iwan Baan's site as he has published lots of very fine photographs of very fine buildings.

Ryue Nishizawa
The very beautiful "Garden and House" by Ryue Nishizawa. The image below is from the El Croquis website.
The Canadian Centre for Architecture had a very beautiful exhibition on the work of Nishizawa and Stephen Taylor called Some Ideas on Living in London and Tokyo. The work of both Architects is very very good and the response of each to their respective cities is interesting. The catalogue of the exhibition is a very worthwhile purchase.
The Canadian Centre for Architecture had a very beautiful exhibition on the work of Nishizawa and Stephen Taylor called Some Ideas on Living in London and Tokyo. The work of both Architects is very very good and the response of each to their respective cities is interesting. The catalogue of the exhibition is a very worthwhile purchase.

I'd encourage you all to visit the AGNSW and to wear your Architecture goggles. Walter Liberty Vernon's original building is very fine (pay attention to the facade as well as the interior). Andrew Anderson's first extension is, for me, his masterpiece. The Asian Wing by Johnson Pilton Walker is also very very fine.
The photographs below are by Max Dupain and show the lovely integration of the Anderson extension and Vernon's original building. The first photo is from an interview with Andersons and the second photo is from the National Archives of Australia.

The photographs below are by Max Dupain and show the lovely integration of the Anderson extension and Vernon's original building. The first photo is from an interview with Andersons and the second photo is from the National Archives of Australia.

More Orozco
Gabriel Orozco's La D.S. project below.
You might also be interested in the house that Orozco designed with Tatiana Bilbao. Abitare has published an article and Iwan Baan has lots of photos on his website. Image of the house below from Iwan Baan's site (which, if you haven't looked at yet, is wonderful).

You might also be interested in the house that Orozco designed with Tatiana Bilbao. Abitare has published an article and Iwan Baan has lots of photos on his website. Image of the house below from Iwan Baan's site (which, if you haven't looked at yet, is wonderful).

Robbrecht en Daem
The roof access in Robbrecht en Daem's Dairy Project in Gaasbeek is quite lovely. Have a look by visiting their website (have a good look around - all their work is very good). Follow the menu Projects > Various > Dairy to find the Gaasbeek project.

MVDRV's Expo 2000 Pavillion in Hannover
Info at MVDRV's website.
You can get quite a lot of images by doing a Google Image search for "MVRDV Hannover"
Image below from Senhor Mario's Flickr site
You can get quite a lot of images by doing a Google Image search for "MVRDV Hannover"
Image below from Senhor Mario's Flickr site

Atelier bow wow: droog townhouse 2
Atelier bow wow: droog townhouse
Dutch design company Droog collaborated with Atelier Bow Wow on the design of a townhouse in Amsterdam. It seems a hotel is also on the drawings boards.
Some information at Designboom, Dezeen and Droog's website.
Some information at Designboom, Dezeen and Droog's website.

Casa Malaparte
One of the buildings mentioned yesterday. Designed by the client, Curzio Malaparte with early work by Adalberto Libera. Built by Adolfo Amitrano, a local stone mason.
Decent entry at Wikipedia.
Images below from Wikipedia.
The house is also featured in Jean-Luc Godard's film Contempt (Le Mépris).

Decent entry at Wikipedia.
Images below from Wikipedia.
The house is also featured in Jean-Luc Godard's film Contempt (Le Mépris).

Other fine libraries
Gunnar Asplund's Stockholm Public Library
Jože Plečnik's National and University Library of Slovenia
Respective images (from Wikipedia) below:

Jože Plečnik's National and University Library of Slovenia
Respective images (from Wikipedia) below:

Phillips Exeter Library
Louis Kahn's Exeter Library is also very well worthwhile to look at. Amongst the very many beautiful ideas is the use of carrels to articulate the facade. Image below is from Wikipedia. The entry is a good place to start your research on this very very fine building.

Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève
Any time that you have to learn about Henri Labrouste's Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève is time very well spent. Images below from Wikipedia.

Whilst on Shigeru Ban ....
Here is a link to David Neustein's recent article on some aspect's of Ban's work. An interesting article. Be sure to read the comments too.
Musaschino Art University Museum and Library
A few libraries:
First up, Sou Fujimoto's Musaschino Art University Museum and Library.
I would have thought there'd be a lot of info online, but I can't find as much as expected. One good blog for coverage is HIC*, an architecture blog that appears to be from Barcelona, probably associated with Jordi Bardia. I have not known of this blog, but it looks good (with work by Claus en Kaan, Josep Lluís Mateo, Sergison Bates and others.
Here is the link to their Post on Fujimoto's library. What's especially lovely about this idea is that the built fabric of the library is shelving, an idea that arguably ties back to some of Shigeru Ban's Furniture Houses and perhaps even to Henri Labrouste.
First up, Sou Fujimoto's Musaschino Art University Museum and Library.
I would have thought there'd be a lot of info online, but I can't find as much as expected. One good blog for coverage is HIC*, an architecture blog that appears to be from Barcelona, probably associated with Jordi Bardia. I have not known of this blog, but it looks good (with work by Claus en Kaan, Josep Lluís Mateo, Sergison Bates and others.
Here is the link to their Post on Fujimoto's library. What's especially lovely about this idea is that the built fabric of the library is shelving, an idea that arguably ties back to some of Shigeru Ban's Furniture Houses and perhaps even to Henri Labrouste.

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